This show originated from a creative exchange and residency that brought together two Brazilian creators, Michel Blois and Thiare Maia Amaral, two Portuguese creators, Paula Diogo and Cláudia Gaiolas, and an English playwright, Alexander Kelly, from the collective Third Angel. Together, talking about detectives, mysteries, clues and details that go unnoticed when one looks distractedly at the world, they created a plot consisting of two stories, built like two episodes of a television series. In one of the stories, a radio announcer whose job is to inform her listeners about traffic conditions decides to give the wrong data one day, causing chaos in the city. Alongside this one, there’s another story, in which a secret department works hard at creating distractions in the world to spice up people’s lives, making them look at other things and forget their own problems.
creation and performance Cláudia Gaiolas, Paula Diogo, Michel Blois/BR, Renato Linhares/BR and Thiare Maia Amaral/BR original text Alexander Kelly/UK translation Alex Cassal and Joana Frazão light design Wagner Azevedo/BR and Daniel Worm set design Elsa Romero photography Carlos Cabéra/BR and José Frade producers Michel Blois, Natasha Corbelino/BR, Cláudia Gaiolas and Paula Diogo co-production Maria Matos Teatro Municipal, Teatro Municipal Rivoli, Nome da Firma Produção e Comunicação Ltda/BR and Má-Criação funding Oi Futuro
Oi Futuro Flamengo (Rio de Janeiro BR), April 2015
Maria Matos Teatro Municipal (Lisbon), January 2016; Teatro Municipal Rivoli (Porto), January 2016