If “culture” is an intangible asset, what should be done with the material waste of building sets for shows? We’ve decided to investigate how to unfetter the making of theatre from acquiring permanent goods for a temporary activity: in THE PALACE we solicit and then redistribute goods, thus converting the theatre in a temporary storage facility – a depot – and the show in the enjoyment of the moment when things are no longer needed and have not yet been redirected in order to become useful again.
concept and direction Paula Diogo and Lígia Soares creation Paula Diogo, Lígia Soares, Crista Alfaiate and Diogo Alvim performance Paula Diogo, Lígia Soares and Crista Alfaiate music and sound design Diogo Alvim light design Rui Monteiro light design assistant Teresa Antunes set design Fernando Ribeiro and Saulo Santos legal research and monitoring NGDOs André Studer photos João Tuna and Vera Marmelo production director Daniela Ribeiro production Má-Criação coproduction Teatro do Bairro Alto coproduction residence O Espaço do Tempo, 23 Milhas and Alkantara
financial support GDA – Gestão dos Direitos dos Artistas non- financial support Câmara Municipal de Lisboa partners AMI – Centros Porta Amiga, APF – Associação para o Planeamento da Família, AMU – Acção para um Mundo Unido, Associação ILGA Portugal – Intervenção Lésbica, Gay, Bissexual, Trans e Intersexo, Associação Helpo, EAPN Portugal – Rede Europeia Anti-Pobreza, Casa do Gaiato, Centro Social Paroquial do Pragal, Cretcheu, Pastoral dos Ciganos, Rosto Solidário, SOPRO – Solidariedade e Promoção, WACT – we are changing together, among others.
Má-Criação is a structure supported by the Lisbon City Council and housed in Alkantara.
Paula Diogo’s work is supported by apap – FEMINIST FUTURES – a project co-funded by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union.
TBA Teatro do Bairro Alto, Lisbon PT, September 2022