I’m obsessed with lines and intersections. The meeting point of Sava with the Danube immediately stood out as something to be noticed. The piece was created in public space. Always with the conscious, and sometimes constant reminders, that public space almost does not exist in cities. Everything is private or almost, even when it belongs to the state. The idea of Terra Nullius as a concept was useful to think about the impossibility of a territory without ownership. (…)
by Eduarda Neves
Texto de Cláudia Galhós, a propósito da apresentação de Terra Nullius, de Paula Diogo, na PT.21
Text by Cláudia Galhós, for the presentation of Terra Nullius, by Paula Diogo, at PT.21
Uma reflexão tendo por base o espectáculo MORRER NO TEATRO no Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias (Funchal), por Fernanda Gama (espectadora) a 27/1/2019
A reflection on the show DYING IN THE THEATRE presented at Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias (Funchal), by Fernanda Gama (spectator), 27/1/2019
Painel Crítico FIT 2017, sobre AS CIDADES INVISÍVEIS
Review Panel FIT 2017, about INVISIBLE CITIES
by Alexander Kelly
Texto de Alexander Kelly sobre o processo de criação do espectáculo LEARNING TO SWIM.
NÃO SOBRE CORRER, by Alexander Kelly
Alexander Kelly’s text on the process of creating LEARNING TO SWIM show.